Saturday, April 3, 2010

Gulo Gulo

Today was a beautiful day in the West Village. I went for lunch with my parents, and their friend Hope. Her son is named Wooly (short for Wolverine). We are both about the same size, and brindle, but I think that underneath all that hair he's actually a lot smaller than me. He's really, really cute, but I'm cuter. We went to a restaurant near the house, my dad fought with the lady because she had a table reserved for Calvin Klein and his young male friend, and she wouldn't let us sit. Who is Calvin Klein anyway? Why does he get to sit before we do? He must own the other treat store on Bleecker. Whatever... after we all sat down, Wooly and I had a great time ignoring each other, eating bits and crumbs from the table, and waiting for the little pieces of smoked salmon to be thrown down to us. ohh geez! It was awesome!

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